Trying to Write My Post in English

January 25, 2021


When you are learning English and feel confident enough to read an English book, then BOOM! You are realizing that you’re just a noob.

So, a couple days ago I read The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k for my 10 minutes reading challenge. It was under chapter 6, Architects of Our Own Beliefs. This section made me read for twice because I didn’t get the point from the author.

And I know, it wasn’t the author’s fault, but me. English isn’t my first language, I’m still learning. And today, I’m trying to write this post in English. Even just for 101 words (I got this number from the left corner side of Ms. Word).

It’s hard to write my thoughts in English. I want to rewrite what I got from this book but I don’t know, where should I start? Ok wait, I want to change the “hard” phrase with “challenging”. Ok, better. So, let’s start!

Architects of Our Own Beliefs try to tell us to be careful with how our brains work. So, human mind is capable of coming up with and believing in a bunch of bullshit that isn’t real. Our brains are meaning machines. The interesting points from this under chapter are the problems of our brains and how Mark tried to make me questioning my beliefs.

The first problem, the brain is imperfect. We mistake things we see and hear. We forget things or misinterpret events quite easily.

Second, once we create meaning for ourselves, our brains are designed to hold on to that meaning. We are biased toward the meaning our mind has made, and we don’t want to let go of it. Even if we see evidence that contradicts the meaning we created, we often ignore it and keep believing anyway.

The last thing, do I still believe with what I keep in my mind? It seems like the concept of learn, unlearn, and relearn, interesting!

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11 komentar

  1. Waaw, bukunya lumayan berat ya topiknya :P

    Aku rasa ini sejalan dengan teori, yang juga aku percayai, bahwa otak dan pikiran kita menentukan semuanya. Sama halnya dengan sugesti, yang kadang mempengaruhi hal-hal dalam hidup kita, meskipun tidak selamanya benar.

    Jadi penting untuk selalu mengupdate informasi ya, biar otak kita juga update gituuu... :)

    1. Tapi nggak seberat beban kehidupan kok Tika :p

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts <3

  2. Hai Pit! I was trying to reply in English too, tapi kagok juga yaaa setelah sekian lama nggak nulis full pake enggres 😂

    That's an interesting fact of our brains nggak sih. Seringnya memang kita memaksa otak untuk percaya hal-hal yang kita yakini benar, padahal faktanya belum tentu demikian.

    Btw, semangat yaaa kamu dalam proses learning-nya! ❤️

    1. Sudahlah Bunda Jane, jangan dipaksakan, ntar mumet! XD

      Nah itu dia, jadinya kita bias, terus ngejulidin orang yang beda value nya. Apakah ini jalan ninja kita sebagai manusia?

      Thank you Jane <3

  3. Wah mba Pipit baca versi English-nya? Cool! Saya sudah baca buku ini namun versi bahasa Indonesianya 😂 Dan ini salah satu buku yang oke menurut saya, sebab secara nggak langsung mengajarkan banyak hal especially untuk kita-kita yang hobi 'giving a f**k' pada berbagai persoalan hihihihi. Semacam apa pun dibawa pikiran 🙈

    Eniho, semangat belajarnya, mba 😍💕

    1. Aku juga punya yang versi Bahasa Indonesianya kak! Cuman karena kenal yang English-nya lebih dulu, aku baca yang ini deh akhirnya. Aku juga belajar banyak gara-gara baca buku ini, belajar buat mikirin diri sendiri dulu ketimbang orang lain.

      Terima kasih Kak Eno!

  4. Hahaha. Me too. I thought I already knew a lot of vocab, and it turned out that my abilities were terrible when tried to read a novel in English.

    I'm always trying to write in English, but I'm so afraid to publish in my blog, and that article just saving in Notes. XD

    However, I'm usually learning to write in English when played online games. I don't have another choice, bcoz my friends from Vietnam or Thailand. You know, their languages are very harder than English. Huhu.

    1. Indeed, even when I try to type this, I'm clueless, what should I type woy? Aelah.. to be honest, I prefer speaking rather than writing. But, let's do the challenge.

      Wkakaka.. why? I hope you can do that soon. Just wanna know your work in English version. I think it would be interesting!

  5. Ya ampun setuju banget. Tiap baca buku berbahasa Inggris tuh pasti ketemuuu aja kata yang belum pernah kita tau artinya sebelumnya wkwkwk..

    Eh iya juga yaa? Mungkin ini alasan kita kalau berargumen itu suka saling ngotot,karena kita percaya dengan apa yang kita ketahui sebelumnya jadinya biased dan sulit menerima pendapat orang lain yang berbeda dengan kita gitu yaa..

  6. Kak Pipit, aku juga ngerasain yang sama 🤣. Kalau lagi baca buku bahasa Inggris kadang harus ngulang-ngulang beberapa bagian karena nggak ngerti, kadang malah jadi ngantuk #plakk mungkin ini karena otaknya jadi double bekerjanya 🤣

    Anyway, semangat dalam menyelesaikan buku ini, Kakk! 👍🏻

  7. Hello mbak Pipit, I like to read your post. Because the sentences are simple to understand. Because i only can understand English little-little :D


If you have no critics you'll likely have no succes ~Malcolm X